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ESP01 with HTTP server when MQTT fails?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 7:35 am
by emilhetty
I have set up a couple of ESP01 with DHT22/11 sensors and MQTT that publish to my RPI running Mosquitto broker and Home Assistant.
But sometimes something happen to my MQTT broker and sometimes something happen to the ESP8266.
So I was thinking that when the ESP fails to connect to MQTT broker or fails to read from DHT for that sake, I want it to start a HTTP server and publish the fault there so I can easily detect the problem.

Any code idea or example I can start with? Or other smarter solution I can look at?
I tested and got the HTTP DHT project someone had on internet, so I was thinking to take the HTTP part from this to start with:
http://www.elec-cafe.com/esp8266-temper ... 11-sensor/