Use this forum to chat about hardware specific topics for the ESP8266 (peripherals, memory, clocks, JTAG, programming)

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By LastSamurai
#18124 I have a similar kind of question so I hope its ok if I just use this thread too. GPIO 0 and 2 on my esp8266-01 are used to control mosfets which then control some leds. The mosfets control pins are usualy tied to ground so that the light can't lite up in an undefined controller-state. The problem here is (again) that the ESP won't boot into the normal mode if both of them are grounded.
I am using 10K resistors at the moment. I have read somewhere that it would work with resistor values >= 33K Ohm. Is that right? Or is there another way to get this done?
Thanks for the help!
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By Lawrence_jeff
#18263 It would be great if the FAQ had some simple circuits centered around how to leverage GPIO0 and GPIO2 without impacting the boot functionality... I know its an area many struggle with. Driving a LED, Driving a MOSFET, reading a button, something to suppress the bootloader serial output, etc.

Has anyone seen a resource like that?