Use this forum to chat about hardware specific topics for the ESP8266 (peripherals, memory, clocks, JTAG, programming)

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By xtal
#40728 You show EN--> gnd ???? My CH_PD[en] is pulled high thru 3.9k resistor[>1k sufficent]
I'm surprised you get anything with EN--> grd...

Normally DS18B20's are connected to same data line,, Just keep in mind in case of probs.
but if you use skip rom cmd may work fine unless software restriction.
If ESP does not support 1-w search, then use 2 lines...

I would not tie potential signal pins to + / - directly,, I would use pullup/down resistors....
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By martinayotte
#40735 Actually, it is probably a mistake in the connection list (which I didn't saw earlier), because in the wiring diagram CH_PD seems to be connected with VCC.
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By ErikLem
#40767 Well spotted. that was indeed a mistake in my connection list, changed it now.
I've ordered a bunch of capacitors and resistors to see if I can make the ESP-07 boot up in a stable way. I'll post if I make any progress.