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SPI on nodeMCU not running

PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 10:02 am
by Latschen
Hey together,

I'm really stuck in my current project. I want to connect a 16x2 LCD display on my nodeMCU with SPI and a shift register (74HC595). To achieve that, I followed the instructions from this page:


If I connect my arduino UNO, everything works out of the box without any problem. But If I replace the arduino with my nodeMCU (1.0, programmed with the Arduino IDE), nothing happens on my LCD.

Can anyone please tell me, if:

- SPI is available on non-lua programmed nodeMCU
- SPI needs to be some kind of activated

I connected the shift register on the following PINS:

- clock: D5
- mosi: D7
- SS/Latch: D2

Tha latch pin (which is controlled by the LiquidCrystal library directly) seems to work, if I place some delay()s in the library code, I can see a LED flickering.

I really hope that you have a hint for me. I would be really glad and you would definitely secure a beer or glass of juice from me because I tried so many things and nothing worked :(

Thank you and kind regards,
