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Re: Problems with GY-271 magnetometer (HMC5883L != QMC5883L)

PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 7:51 am
by infrat
If anyone needs a solution for NodeMCU and QMC5883L there is my pending Pull Request on github to NodeMCU project for library version supporting both: HMC and QMC.
You can easily build it up from branch on my repository: https://github.com/infrat/nodemcu-firmw ... 3l-support (or wait until NodeMCU maintainers will merge my changes into dev/master branch).

Re: Problems with GY-271 magnetometer (HMC5883L != QMC5883L)

PostPosted: Sat Dec 09, 2017 7:34 pm
by enaon
excellent work, thanks.

Re: Problems with GY-271 magnetometer (HMC5883L != QMC5883L)

PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 5:13 am
by pctv007
Sir, you saved my day... I was trying since yesterday to make that d..n device to work and could'nt find a way to read a heading.
Thank you so much !!!

Re: Problems with GY-271 magnetometer (HMC5883L != QMC5883L)

PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2018 5:08 pm
by Bazingus
Anyone trying to make a compass chip work with their arduino and frustrated with an HMC5883L that is actually a QMC5883L (i.e. the thing you bought that doesn't work with HMC588L test code) try this code (works with Arduino Uno). Its an edited version of stuff I found on the net, correcting a few mistakes in register references.

//There are several differences between the QMC5883L and the HMC5883L chips
//Differences in address: 0x0D for QMC5883L; 0x1E for HMC5883L
//Differences in register map (compare datasheets)
//Output data register differences include location of x,y,z and MSB and LSB for these parameters
//Control registers are also different (so location and values for settings change)

#include <Wire.h> //I2C Arduino Library

#define addr 0x0D //I2C Address for The QMC5883L (0x1E for HMC5883)

double scale=1.0;

void setup() {
double scaleValues[9]={0.00,0.73,0.92,1.22,1.52,2.27,2.56,3.03,4.35};
//initialize serial and I2C communications

Wire.beginTransmission(addr); //start talking to slave

Wire.beginTransmission(addr); //start talking to slave

void loop() {

int x, y, z; //triple axis data

//Tell the QMC what regist to begin writing data into
Wire.write(0x00); //start with register 00H for QMC5883L

double bearing=0.00;
//Read the data.. 2, 8 bit bytes for each axis.. 6 total bytes
Wire.requestFrom(addr, 6);
//read 6 registers in order; register location (i.e.00H)indexes by one once read
if (6 <= Wire.available()) {
//note the order of following statements matters
//as each register will be read in sequence starting from data register 00H to 05H
//where order is xLSB,xMSB,yLSB,yMSB,zLSB,zMSB
//this is different from HMC5883L!
//data registers are 03 to 08
//where order is xMSB,xLSB,zMSB,zLSB,yMSB,yLSB
x = Wire.read(); //LSB x;
x |= Wire.read()<<8; //MSB x; bitshift left 8, then bitwise OR to make "x"
y = Wire.read(); //LSB y
y |= Wire.read()<<8; //MSB y;
z = Wire.read(); //LSB z; irrelevant for compass
z |= Wire.read()<<8; //MSB z;

bearing=180*atan2(y,x)/3.141592654;//values will range from +180 to -180 degrees
bearing +=5+(58/60);//Adjust for local magnetic declination

// Show Values
Serial.print("X Value: ");
Serial.print(" - Y Value: ");
//Serial.print(" - Z Value: ");
Serial.print(" - Bearing: ");
