uber4 wrote:pzwolinski wrote:I'm having the same problem...
I have an LED connected to between GPIO2 and GND. When my ESP01 is restarted, it will not boot normally, which is a bummer. If I temporarily disconnect the LED circuit, the board will boot normally, and after reconnecting, my program works as desired (able to toggle the LED over wifi).
Is there anything I can do to get this unit booting normally without having to leave GPIO2 floating?
I had the same problem and I fixed with a 2,2k pull up resistor (4,7k or higher was not working).
Doing this GPIO2 will be high by default while it resets (1-2 seconds), but you allways can write to low.
I have the same problem here ! If I restart and dont leave GPIO 2 floating or high then the blue led is shining.
Can you show me how to solve it ?thanks
TRIROG wrote:Yeah ... Thought of that... The problem is that there could be an unfortunate ocrurence where the module will reboot but the switch would be closed/open which is unacceptable... Do you happen to know if GPIO 0 and 2 are only such GPIOS that cause such results i.e. module not booting to normal mode if connected to GND.?
What happens if GPIO2 is conncted to GND during boot i guess it's not a firmware upload mode .
Have you found any solution for this? I am also facing same issue.
thank you