TRIROG wrote:Yeah ... Thought of that... The problem is that there could be an unfortunate ocrurence where the module will reboot but the switch would be closed/open which is unacceptable... Do you happen to know if GPIO 0 and 2 are only such GPIOS that cause such results i.e. module not booting to normal mode if connected to GND.?
I think it's only GPIO0 and GPIO2 that have to be HIGH for a normal reboot. I have not seen any reports on other GPIO's that influence the boot.
TRIROG wrote:What happens if GPIO2 is conncted to GND during boot i guess it's not a firmware upload mode .
I guess your guess is correct, but I'm not sure in what mode the ESP is in this situation. It certainly is a mode where a proper reset is required for a normal boot.
In your example of the switch on the garage door you will never know if the level is HIGH or LOW, so you will have to use another GPIO as GPIO0 and GPIO2.