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Re: Wemos D1 MiniPro (clone) unable to program

PostPosted: Wed Mar 16, 2022 8:52 pm
by Inq720
Sorry about that... I have a lot of the WeMos D1 Minis and they're all CH340. I just now looked up this pro version... 16MB I got get me some of these. Although my first hit https://www.wemos.cc/en/latest/d1/d1_mini_pro.html showed at least this vendor's version uses the CH340 and it sounds like with your troubles... I may not want to get that vendor's version.

Re: Wemos D1 MiniPro (clone) unable to program

PostPosted: Wed Mar 16, 2022 9:15 pm
by Inq720
kinlougha wrote:Hello Inq720,

The serial chip on the MiniPro was CP2104, not CH340.
You can see that the serial chip respond to the inquiry from the IDE

BN: Carte inconnue
VID: 10C4
SN: Envoyez un croquis pour l'obtenir

It's not a driver problem.
It's something else between the serial chip and the ESP.

I'm more of a software guy... What is in that output that tells you its a CP2104? I'm not seeing it. I'm sure you're right, I just trying to figure what says CP2104.

I thing it's a hardware problem like bad choice of part on the board or a design flaw, don't forget it's a chinese clone.

I think this is a philosophical question... is there a difference between a Chinese product and a Chinese clone of Chinese product? :lol:

Can i be able to bypass the serial chip to upload some firmware on the ESP8266.

I once blew up a CH340 based WeMos and just for curiosity, I de-soldered the ESP8266MOD daughter board off the WeMos motherboard and plugged it into a programmer made for ESP-07s with its own CH340. It worked like a champ. Also, once you get the first Sketch uploaded (that has OTA) on it, from then on, you can do your uploads via WiFi.

Re: Wemos D1 MiniPro (clone) unable to program

PostPosted: Wed Mar 16, 2022 10:30 pm
by kinlougha
10C4:EA60 is the USB id for the "Silicon Labs CP210x USB to UART Bridge" and if the IDE can found this ID they seems that the USB part of the chip work, i thinks.

Re: Wemos D1 MiniPro (clone) unable to program

PostPosted: Wed Mar 16, 2022 10:34 pm
by kinlougha
The module is fully pin compatible with the Wemos D1 mini, have 16Mb, ceramic antenna with the possibility to switch to an external antenna.

Also the serial chip is CP2104 not CH340.
