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Re: New ESP-8266 Boards

PostPosted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 6:13 am
by Datux
Found out today that the ESP-WROOM-02 == ESP-13

on the metal shield there are different engravings possible:
- special customer only
- developers only (the one i just got)
- Al-thinker version: full FCC info

Note that datasheet is incorrect about pinout, it states that it is a 16 pin board but its not, there are 18 pins
never the less; it has only 2 more GND pads compared to the ESP-12

Datasheet: LINK

Re: New ESP-8266 Boards

PostPosted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 10:22 am
by LastSamurai
Does the ESP-12E have the same pin layout/spacing as the "old" ESP-12 one? Can I just use the 12E and ignore the new lines if I don't need them? Just asking because I am designing a pcb at the moment. Is there anything important the 12E can do that the 12 can't? If I understand metalphreak correctly it doesn't...

Re: New ESP-8266 Boards

PostPosted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 10:56 am
by martinayotte
I'm still waiting for my ESP-12E to arrive, but according to pictures/layouts found on the net, ESP-12 and ESP-12E have the same layout and spacing, only the later has additionnal GPIOs and maybe (not all of them) bigger FLASH.

Re: New ESP-8266 Boards

PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 12:29 pm
by Solo Pilot
I bought a bunch of ESP-12Es. They have the same pin-outs and seem to work fine on an adapter board. Can someone suggest how to set the SPI to "Dual channel mode instead of Quad channel mode" ? Right now, it seems to crash on digital_write() to GPIO 9 & 10. Thanks