WEMOS R1 D1 as socket server station mode aok ...

WEMOS R1 D1 as socket server station mode aok ... When changing to AP mode , I have no internet connection.
I cannot seem to find any way to get the time of day without internet connection .
This is an IRRIGATION socket server 6 relay 4-real 2 virtual 95 % done in station mode.
Four users can control then displayed webpage. It is very stable thus far..
1> How can I get internet connection when in AP mode, did I do something wrong?
2> How can I get time of day without internet connection?
3> I managed to get time from client after connecting but can't set my clock.
I'm using struct tm *timeinfo time_t tnow = time(nullptr) , I apparently don't know how to set it.
using this may require connect, disconnect, then again connect, I'm sure its not the best way.
I would prefer INET connection while in access point mode.
I cannot seem to find any way to get the time of day without internet connection .
This is an IRRIGATION socket server 6 relay 4-real 2 virtual 95 % done in station mode.
Four users can control then displayed webpage. It is very stable thus far..
1> How can I get internet connection when in AP mode, did I do something wrong?
2> How can I get time of day without internet connection?
3> I managed to get time from client after connecting but can't set my clock.
I'm using struct tm *timeinfo time_t tnow = time(nullptr) , I apparently don't know how to set it.
using this may require connect, disconnect, then again connect, I'm sure its not the best way.
I would prefer INET connection while in access point mode.