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Listing of all APs

PostPosted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 12:58 am
by Mike Bedford
Hello, I am new to this device. Please forgive me. I have the unit connected to my Arduino and can successfully send AT commands to the ESP8266. For example, I can send it:

AT version:
SDK version:0.9.5

The question I have is when I send it AT+CWLAP, it will only list one network AP (and it so happens it is not listing the one I want to see). Yes, I am sure the one I want to see is online and set to broadcast the SSID. In fact, when I use either my laptop or my Android phone, it sees the network I want to connect to with a "Very Strong" signal strength. So, I am wondering why this unit is not showing that AP. Is CWLAP supposed to list ALL APs in range or only one of them? How do I list them all? Another thing, my phone and laptop list 14 networks in range even though this device only shows one. If it is normal to only show one, how do I list the others?

Last, I did make sure to send AT+CWMODE=1 so it is a client.

Any ideas?



Re: Listing of all APs

PostPosted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 11:44 pm
by Mike Bedford
As an update, I checked my actual AP signal strength which was very good at -45dbm so this receiver should not have an issue finding my AP. In fact, the ones it was finding had worse signal strength. Also, I found that I could explicitly list AP by SSID. So I did that and surprise, it found my AP. I was also able to connect. So, now I am even more confused. Why is it that when I explicitly list AP by SSID it finds it and I can connect but when I just try to list all of them with AT+CWLAP it does not show up?
