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ESP01 Buffer Flow Control SDK/HDK

PostPosted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 9:50 am
by GeoReb
Hi Everyone,

Im hoping someone can help me out...

I am using a processor to read the serial data from an ESP01, but its buffer is very, VERY small (16bytes).
I am hoping there is a way to use the on-board memory of the ESP module.

I have read that GPIO13 and GPIO15 are CTS and RTS pins and i could use them to control the data flow.
Is this possible?? I understand that id have to buy a different variation of the ESP because the 01 version doesn't give these pins. However, the 03 version does.

On the other hand, it would be much better for my situation (having already bought an ESP01) to use AT commands for flow control.

I have read here, http://www.electrodragon.com/w/ESP8266 that AT+CIPSEND=4,5 command can be used to request 5 bytes from the on-board buffer. Is this true or am i miss-understanding??

Unfortunately i cannot find any info on utilizing the buffer without having to use Lua firmware and im hoping that i can use the standard AT firmware...

Any input would really help me out!

Many Thanks,