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MAINS Power Dimmer Module - MPDMv3

PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2015 1:16 pm
by trackerj
For that ones of you that have already read my articles Web Power Switch for MAINS and the : WIFI MPSMv2 MAINS Switch DevBoard, you surely remember that the above modules were ON/OFF switching only.

Now it's about time to talk also about DIMMING!

MPDMv3 is a MAINS Power Dimmer module with Zero Cross Detection circuit:


Zero Cross Detector

Firing the triac test:

Testing Zero Cross Detector :

First test - Dimming a Lamp :

For more details: http://www.esp8266-projects.com/2015/05/p3-wifi-mains-power-dimmer-switch-with.html

Re: MAINS Power Dimmer Module - MPDMv3

PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2015 4:24 am
by trackerj
Second part about the new MAINS Dimmer / Switch Module

For more details: Web interface access design an testing

0_2 - MPDMv2 - FINISHED - TOP - 2.jpg

2 - MPDMv2 - LABTEST - 2.jpg

3 - MPDMv2 - Web Interface - 3.jpg

Re: MAINS Power Dimmer Module - MPDMv3

PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2015 9:09 am
by robov
Well friend, I read your article must say JOB WELL DONE (y)

I did about same with 8051 few years back but only with resistive load. But now I guess will try it with ESP8266 and inductive load. Few things I want to clarify:

1. Can we use Inductive circuit (with snubber) for resistive load, vice-versa not possible ofc.
2. Can we test BT1xx circuit with simple 12V sinusoid waveform from function generator.
3. For simple ON-OFF function, is it better to use thyristor or simple mechanical relay.

Thanks for the time :)