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By peterk505
#18733 I'm using an ESP-03 with firmware 0.9.5.
Using UART command AT+UART=115200,8,3,0,3 I can set CTS and RTS active (according to the AT instruction manual).
When this is set I can control the flow of text OUT of the ESP-03 by toggling MTCK.
I want to control the flow of data INTO the device[ ie to avoid 'busy..'] so I need to monitor MTDO (GPIO15).
This is complicated by the fact that it needs to be 0v on boot. Ok - I switch MTDO to 0v during boot then release it [ I use a pull-up resistor] and then monitor MTDO. If I send in data fast enough to cause 'busy..' MTDO doesn't change. Any Ideas?
