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Reboot loop

PostPosted: Fri May 29, 2015 2:32 am
by YellowSky
Hi everyone,
sorry if it is not the good section to post this...

I have a ESP-01 with a simple program (init.lua). Basically
1. Variables Initialisation
2. while (1==1)
some actions

During the while loop i can't communicate with ESPlorer (by serial) with the module. So if i have a problem in the code, i can't restart or i can't remove the init.lua to load another one.
Each time i must flash the module and the load a new init.lua file.

I try to put a delay between the variables initialisation and the while loop but during the delay i can't communicate with the module anymore...

Any solution on this problem?

Re: Reboot loop

PostPosted: Fri May 29, 2015 10:52 am
by cal

you have to change you style of programming to event style. (Hmm does that sound like a fashion tip?)
I suggest starting with this:

https://github.com/TerryE/nodemcu-firmw ... ficial-FAQ

and taking a look at the lua examples.

There is an extra area for lua nodemcu related questions. here:
