Use this forum to chat about hardware specific topics for the ESP8266 (peripherals, memory, clocks, JTAG, programming)

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By JohnC
martinayotte wrote:There are many threads explaining how to upload new firmware, but in summary, here is the command line :

Code: Select --port /dev/ttyUSB0 write_flash 0x00000 firmware/0x00000.bin 0x40000 firmware/0x40000.bin

Easy for you to say. Ive been programming robotics for over 30 years, and have no idea what you just said. Ive connected to my ESP-01 via a Propeller 8-core microcontroller, and have set it up and explored its features. I assume to upgrade firmware, i put the module in upload mode, then stream the binary data stream into txd or something... so I need a binary and instructions. I dont have linux, i dont know what arundio or eclipse is, nor do i know a damn thing about java. I got the esp for its easy to use AT-command set, and must say im impressed. but wtf?

i have spare computers, if someone wants to orient me on obtaining and installing linux, and everything else needed to use the tools mentioned in this forum. Im not stupid, just ignorant. Feed me?
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By MikeBolton
#26093 I had a similar problem loading code into my ESPs. Solution, for me, was to use Nodemcu-flasher which is a Windows program. You can download this from the Nodemcu site. Uses a serial port or a USB / serial adapter. You can get the various .bin files from various sources but ESPlorer site is a good place to try as there is a complete .bin file that reprograms the ESP in one block. ( AT25-SDK112-512k.bin) which loads from 0x00000.

Mike B