Use this forum to chat about hardware specific topics for the ESP8266 (peripherals, memory, clocks, JTAG, programming)

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By johntech2014
#27977 EXCELLENT!!!

SO any time I try to use a Sketch for the 8266-01 I need to put in the Wire.begin(0,2) before the regular XXX.begin() definitions? I see you just have to use pins 0-15 to turn on and off the outputs

Many Thanks again. That will save a lot typing!!!

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By Samighi11
RES also need pull up. If you're building your own dev board, it is convenient to have both GPIO0(Boot) and RES with switches.

I have successfully used ESP8266-12 with manual RESET and GPIO0 action.

In another thread, I am working with someone to allow for ESP8266-01 to become and I2C driver. From what I read on Arduino IDE 1.6.5, you can now use DTR and RTS (CTS) to connect to RESET (RTS) and DTR (GPI0) to make the programming easier.

I am still extremely fuzzy, even as an electrical engineer, on how to wire this properly. I am using both an 23012 8574 I2C expander. What I am looking for is a detailed wiring diagram. I have gotten some cheap FTDI chips. I need to be able to hook it up to an ESP8266-01 + FTDI + I2C (23017 lets say) + Arudino IDE 1.6.5. that way, I can imbed the FTDI into the build and not have to worry about any buttons to press, etc. What I fail to grasp is the whole idea of pull down (resistor to GND) or pull up (resistor to VCC or some capacitor combination) of the pins.

If I understand any of this, RESET needs to go LOW, on the HIGH transition Edge, GPIO0 must remain LOW, once the ESP8266 is booted, GPIO0 can now be used. GPIO2 is pulled up or down (whatever it needs, escapes me). Once this boot is done, I can use I2C properly. I just don't get the complete circuit and if it is simple with IDE 1.6.5, why isn't it readily available to use (with FTDI chips).

Q: How do I wire this properly? an diagram would be apprecaited. In short, I want the FTDI to drive RESET and GPIO0

thank you for any help and I will be starting to read more about this as the week goes by.