- Thu Dec 19, 2019 9:59 am
HI, I have a problem with AT commands when starting a SERVER with PORT different than 80. Otherwise is fine. Under the setup routine.
If I use a PORT different than 80 after the first CIPSEND the server CLOSE the connection. WHY?
sendData("AT+CWMODE=3\r\n",1000,DEBUG); // configure as both mode 3000
sendData("AT+CIPMUX=1\r\n",1000,DEBUG); // configure for multiple connections 2000
sendData("AT+CWJAP=\"DXXX6_PR\",\"12XXXXX6\"\r\n", 8000, DEBUG); // connect to wifi 8000
sendData("AT+CWJAP=\"FRXXXXR\",\"12XXXX6\"\r\n", 10000, DEBUG); // connect to wifi 8000
sendData("AT+CIFSR\r\n",2000,DEBUG); // get ip address 7000
sendData("AT+CWSAP=\"ESP8266\",\"12XXXX0\",5,3,1,0\r\n",1000,DEBUG); // turn on server on port 80 1000
sendData("AT+CIPSTO?\r\n",1000,DEBUG); // turn on server on port 80 1000
sendData("AT+CIPSTART=1,\"TCP\",\"\",80\r\n",3000,DEBUG); // turn on server on port 80 1000
sendData("AT+CIPSERVER=1,80\r\n",1000,DEBUG); // turn on server on port 80 1000
sendData("AT+CIPSTATUS\r\n",2000,DEBUG); // reset module