Here we can all chat about fixing the AT+ command structure and the associated responses.

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By al1fch
The proper commands to turn on/off the echo are ATE1 and ATE0, not AT+E1 and AT+E0

ATE1 and ATE0 now works in espressif firmware downloaded by AT+CIUPDATE
volatile comand : Echo ON after AT+RST

(AT+GMR gives 001800092 for this first 'cloud upfated' firmware)
Upgrades tested as shown here :

Browing bin shows downloading from '"
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By cnlohr
#1017 "Official" firmware seems less and less relevant now as the community project churns along. And, for my purposes, I've been able to write an AVR C library for handling the parsing as it is. But it is good to see that other people recognize the importance of machine-readable protocols.
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By TCL987
al1fch wrote:
The proper commands to turn on/off the echo are ATE1 and ATE0, not AT+E1 and AT+E0

ATE1 and ATE0 now works in espressif firmware downloaded by AT+CIUPDATE
volatile comand : Echo ON after AT+RST

(AT+GMR gives 001800092 for this first 'cloud upfated' firmware)
Upgrades tested as shown here :

Browing bin shows downloading from '"

Did you have to change your serial settings after the update? I just get gibberish after updating.