Here we can all chat about fixing the AT+ command structure and the associated responses.

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By ritesh
#35482 Hi,

I have compiled and flashed AT Firmware successfully in my ESP-WROOM-02 Wifi Module using FLash Download Tool.

Following are firmware locations for SPI Flash Size 4MBytes.

boot_v1.2+.bin :: 0x00000 :: 0x01000
esp_init_data_default.bin :: 0x3fc000 (optional)
blank.bin :: 0x7e000 & 0x3fe000

AT Firmware Version is 0.50 which i have compiled it in my Linux Platform.

Now, I want to upgrade user2.bin file using FOTA(Firmware Over The Air) Procedure.

Please let me know all basic steps as well as configurations (How to configure Espressif Cloud Server) needs to do for FOTA update in ESP-WROOM-02 Module.

Ritesh Prajapati
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By ritesh
#35548 Hi,

I have Compiled AT Fimrware for OTA update as per 4 MByets flash which are is ESP-WROOM-02 Module. I have updated all binaries as per below locations.

boot_v1.2+.bin :: 0x00000 :: 0x01000
esp_init_data_default.bin :: 0x3fc000 (optional)
blank.bin :: 0x7e000 & 0x3fe000

I have started my WIfi Module in boot mode which runs user1 firmware from location 0x01000 successfully.

Now, I want to upgrade into my Wifi module through OTA.

Can anone provide me how to configure Espressif Cloud Server and update user2.bin file into my ESP-WROOM-02 Wifi Module?

Please let me know any feedback on this as quickly as possible.

Ritesh Prajapati