A place to put your YouTube video that is ESP8266 related.

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By eldonb46
kolban wrote:I was seeing a number of questions from folks wanting to know how to build their own development environments for the ESP8266 so thought I'd put together a video.

Excellent, Excellent Video ! Thanks

I enjoy Videos that include verbal description of the task, especially when the immediate task is describe before the mouse or keyboard key is pressed. You did a excellent presentation and made it look easy.

Silent videos with just a "flying cursor" does absolutely nothing for me.

This was a long and complex task, but very easy to follow, and now available for re-reference as necessary.

I normally use Arduino IDE, but will try Eclipse and Virtual Box.

Again, Many Thanks.

Eldon - WA0UWH
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By n.e.r.d
#38232 Hello Kolban,
first thanks for the incredible work you did with this video. You already helped me a lot! :!:

But I have to ask a few things: Everything works fine but I have some troubles with the serial message "Hello".
I'm using a NodeMCU V1 with an extra USB-to-Serial Adapter hoked up to the pin D4 (UART RX -> GPIO2 and UART GND-> GND) as you described in your book. But all I see on the Serial Port Terminal is a bunch of artefacts and no really important stuff (both USB0 and USB1) although the baudrate is as you described in your video. The upload works fine no problems with that. Another thing that i recognized is that the function "system_init_done_cb" is not highlighted blue like in your case. I made a a screenshot of the serial message and the rest of the stuff maybe someone could help me out.

Best wishes david :roll:
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