Re: Wireless ESP01s payload drop servo works reliably from l
Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 4:42 am
McChubby007 wrote:I have been meaning to reply to this topic for some time now, and keep telling myself 'no!'. I'm sure some of you will consider me over-sensitive or just plain grumpy (I am!) but do you really think it is sensible to entitle a post with the word 'bomb' in it? Really?
Thanks for speaking up.
Not only are you quite possibly pricking the ears of your local spooks, but any idiot with a half-idea to use a real aerial release bomb, be it small or not, may be encouraged by this post (and yes, I know that there's material all over the place, but that does not make it right).
Agreed. Reason for the title was as you stated as well, that "servo bomb drop" is the standard terminology for postings/youtube videos on what really is a "servo release machanism".
I started my work based on "Bomb Drop Servo Release Mechanism" youtube video:
I don't imagine for a moment that you are doing anything malicious nor intend to offend; I am a Londoner and ex-Army so I'm a bit sensitive. I am not looking for a load of reply-attitide on this matter from anyone as it is an emotive subject, I just wished to air my thoughts and give some advice.
Unfortunately this forum unlike the many other forums I post to does not even allow me to edit my postings, even if I just have posted them and find a typo. So I cannot change.
I would change title based on your posting to if I was able to:
"Wireless ESP01s payload drop servo works reliably from lipo"
On my intent for doing all this you are right, I do not plan anything malicious.
I want to kick out a drone lost in 10m high tree (while searching for RC airplane lost in a 20m high tree, really) by dropping payload on it from the top. E52 drone found the lost white drone with camera directed downwards by vertical camera mod (passing from top right to top left):