A place to put your YouTube video that is ESP8266 related.

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By Cobozco
#15228 Hello,
I'm wondering if there's a way to upload code to the NodeMCU without losing it when unplugging power and being able to take it programmed to wherever it's needed...

I've uploaded the firmware, I can write LUA commands no problem and save lua scripts on "lua uploader v - hari wiguna 2015" my computer. Any easy fix I'm missing - using an ide vs just accessing the com port writing a list of commands? Please help - it's appreciated for my school project
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By MeNoGeek
Cobozco wrote:a way to upload code to the NodeMCU without losing it when unplugging power and being able to take it programmed to wherever it's needed...
Just click the 'Save to ESP' button.
If you need a more elaborate IDE, try ESPlorer:
As with Hari's software, click 'Save to ESP' button to persist file to flash memory. Name file 'init.lua' to have it autorun at startup. 'Send to ESP' executes the code line by line without saving it.
BTW, you posted in the forum. This is the one dealing with NodeMCU: