36Bricks is an complete system of simple building blocks allowing anyone to create its own connected device (called tower) : from a single brick to a hundred, combine them to create your very own connected device. Just assemble them, and it's ready to operate... Adding features to your device is as easy as adding new bricks to the existing setup.
The 36Bricks system is a modular hardware architecture covering a variety of domains like home automation, office appliances, energy monitoring, security and alarms, laboratories, industries and much more.
Each 36Bricks is autonomous as it embeds an ESP8266, but also combinable. You can add and remove some at any moment. You can even take some with you for your weekend trip !
The easy-plug system allows to stack 36bricks, magnets keep them in place, and spring connectors transfer power to other bricks, so you only need one single power supply for a whole tower !
The 36Brick collection will be composed of various sensor bricks, power supplies, command bricks, actuators, lights and various accessories like screens, speakers or cameras.
The firmware embedded on each brick allows to control and query your device from multiple ways : web page, mobile app, home automation software, HTTP requests...
The embedded web interface allows to control the brick, and access each setting. The offical moblie app (in progress) allows to access and control all bricks of your system at the same time.
The 36Bricks system is fully open : anyone can see every part of the project, contribute to it at any level, and use it freely ! From the end-user to the electronics engineer, everyone can contribute to 36Bricks. If you don't find a 36Bricks for your needs, just make one by yourself using our guides, and attach it to your existing system ! Based on widely available and cost-friendly components, 36Bricks is ready to suit every pocket, we plan on a starting price of €10 per 36brick.
The 36Brick project was started 4 month ago, it's under eavy development and made no promotions about it yet.
We have some working prototypes, with almost all features enabled, that makes a great demo set...
We are actually working on making the dedicated PCB, and taming the 3D printer to make more prototypes to begin showing real stuff.
We're planning to open the dedicated website soon, and start communicating about it to begin having a community.
And finally, we are also planning to start a Kickstarter campain by the end of the year to make our first approach to the market.
The final hardware is still under eavy developement and will be based on a custom PCB and an ESP-12E SOC, but prototypes are made using :
- ESP8266 NodeMCU 1.0 Dev Boards (firmware on Arduino IDE)
- 3D printed case
- Swift-Dock Mini spring-loaded interface
- Lot of hot glue

Various sensors, modules and CI depending on the given brick :
- INA219 Bi-directional DC Current Power Supply Sensor (on every bricks)
- DHT22 Digital Temperature And Humidity Measurement Sensor (for corresponding brick)
- HC-SR501 Infrared PIR Motion Sensor (for motion sensing brick)
- ILI9341 module with 2.22" SPI TFT screen (for screen brick)
- MQ-2 and MQ-135 gaz sensors (for corresponding bricks)
Github software
Github hardware
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