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Entrant 58 : Connect Home Electric Kettle to the IoT World

PostPosted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 9:26 pm
by RichardS

An electric air pot has interesting features that are reboil, dispense, and also has led status as well. So, we can make a cuircuit that read all statuses and control every button of the pot over the air. Not enough!! The pot can send push notification to human :p by using a great wifi chip ESP8266. that simple let's connect our Electric Kettle to the IoT world!
CONTROL the electric air pot:
- Hardware: I use 2 relays that connected to the air pot dispense button and reboil button directly when we trig the relay it's the same like we press dispense or reboil button of the air pot.

Mobile Application
I use an open-source generic-mqtt-button-control android application that developed and open-source by me.
See links

Checking the pot STATUS

I have been writting a sensor monitoring application using Electron(Electron is a cross-platform desktop application, formerly known as Atom Shell) that communicate with the esp8266 clients over mqtt protocol so, we can monitor the pot very fast and easy. and open-source as well :)
See links

ESP8266 software.

I has been writing WiFiConnector & MQTT Connector that also opensource as well. why not? :P

Push Notification from the kettle:
The pot can send push notification when it's boiled to user's smartphone by using ESPert's push notification service (see links) and using node-red platform to put logic between mqtt broker and http request.

- ESPresso Lite V1 [ESP8266]
- cheap wall charger 5V 1A
- Capasitive Compact Power Supply Circuit (to detect the pot status coz there is 220v everywhere inside the pot)

Github 1
Espert Cloud
Github 2

