Re: New Sonoff module... 1 Meg flash???

Wed Nov 23, 2016 6:51 pm
by tcpipchip
Do you have the original firmware that comes with SONOFF ?
Re: New Sonoff module... 1 Meg flash???

Wed Sep 13, 2017 5:27 pm
by forlotto
No I do not that is a good question though I am sure it is floating around somewhere though I see that it works with alexa now which is pretty nifty I have not seen what it all requires IFTT or Specialized AWS etc... But I seen that they were advertising this feature. Personally I use my phone and skip the speakers I seem to have my phone handy a speaker well not so much and to buy one for every room to take up space I don't see the point when I could load up tasker and msg branch with espbasic to interface together with an application from app inventor to do pretty much anything via voice no 3rd party software servers just my phone translating what I say into making the request that basic understands or essentially in laymens terms opening an application which in turn loads a web page which is my web page.
So I say OK Google Open Door
Bingo My Door Opens!
Rather simple.
This way I can open my door without having to take my gloves off in the winter from my car put my phone in my pocket and proceed to carry whatever I need in with me.
If I come across it though in my travels I'll gladly share it although I think it is written using the arduino IDE rather than espbasic so you would need to likely load the correct firmware back to your device before proceeding.
Re: New Sonoff module... 1 Meg flash???

Tue Jun 25, 2019 10:43 pm
by josmaroal
Hello friends,
I try to flash the SonOff according to the indications.
It complies with indicate Final OK and lights flash.
But when I connect it, it does not leave AP
The SonOff used is the last one with Pin GPIO 14.
Any help, thanks
============== EspaƱol =============
Hola amigos,
Intento hacer Flash al SonOff de acurdo a las indicaciones.
Cumple con indicar Final OK y luces parpadean.
Pero cuando lo conecto NO sale AP
El SonOff usado es el ultimo con Pin GPIO 14.
Alguna Ayuda, Gracias
Re: New Sonoff module... 1 Meg flash???

Tue Jun 25, 2019 10:59 pm
by forlotto
Please refer to electrogaurd's driving lessons on this page about halfway down it says SON SOFF.
viewtopic.php?f=40&t=9868&start=4#p46960Hope this helps get you going.