Questions with regards to ESP8266 Basic and hardware interfacing and control via Basic commands

Moderator: Mmiscool

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By marcomart
#50716 Hello.

I'm trying up with a lcd connected to a I2C interface (piggyback module with onboard pcf8574) but without any success, so I got some doubts. Which is the address that I should set on I2c piggyback? (I suppose 020h).
Is there a code example to how send string to the lcd? Are the right pin on ESP8266, 0 for SCK and 2 for SDA?

Thank You.
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By Mmiscool
#50718 ... aqkogmp3f9

I2C pins are 0 and 2. On NodeMCU boards they are labeled as D3 and D4.

the address the esp will use for the device is 0x27

internal aurduino code is
Code: Select allLiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 2, 1, 0, 4, 5, 6, 7, 3, POSITIVE); // Set the LCD I2C address
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By marcomart
#50750 Hello!!

Thank You for reply, so if I will use LCDPRINT I will be able to print straight on the lcd or I still need to initialize the LCD sending to it the native command with LCDSEND ? By the way I connected sda and sck signal on the
same pins of rtc module.
