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By cmarrin
#84962 I'm switching a project that was using the NONOS SDK to RTOS and one of the big changes is the "vfs" system. It's a nice wrapper around SPIFFS. But I really don't want to use the stdio calls (fopen, fwrite, etc.). I really want to use the system io functions (open, write, etc.). I changed the SPIFFS example in the SDK and everything link and loads onto the board (I'm using a Wemos D1 mini). This example works correctly on the board unmodified, but when I try to replace fopen with open I get back an ENOENT error. I've set the flags to O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, which should create the file if it doesn't exist.

Are these calls supported? Looking at the SDK source, the SPIFFS calls are wrapped with _open_r which should make Newlib happy for both open and fopen.

Does anyone have experience with this?