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Toolchain Setup

PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2020 5:53 pm
by Phidelux

The last couple of days I tried to setup an up to date toolchain for the esp8266 based on the esp-open-sdk project. However, as the maintainer, Max Filippov aka pfalcon, stated, the project is pretty dead, because he has no time or interest to maintain it anymore. Thus, building the master branch will leave you with a gcc 4.8.5, newlib 2.0, gdb 7.10, esptool 1.2, a very old nonos sdk 1.5 and a xtensa port of lwip, which itself states is "Superseded by lwip-esp8266".

My goal is to get a modern toolchain using the latest SDK, which is 3.0.3, a more recent compiler even when not the most up to date and the best mantained libraries. This leaves me with many questions:

  1. Should I switch from esp-open-lwip to lwip-esp8266? Didn't saw anybody using it.
  2. Should I prefer jcmvbkbc/crosstool-NG by Max Filippov aka jcmvbkbc over espressif/crosstool-NG by espressif? And which branch is the one to use for the esp8266?
  3. Is there a more recent version of GCC than 5.0.2, which is actually useable? Esspressif itself announced a GCC 8.2 based toolchain in their "New toolchain version preview (GCC 8.2)" post one and a half years ago. There never came a followup.
  4. Is there a version of the mforce-l32 patch for the gcc 5.0.2? Had problems applying it and wanted to be sure before trying to do this manually. :D
  5. Which libc is the one to use? Max Filippov seems to maintain a port of newlib, glibc and muslc. Do all of these work and which causes the least problems?

I have collected some changes and patches in my own fork of the esp-open-sdk under the branch as_wip. Hope this helps someone and someone can help me to improve upon this.

Last but not least, is there something like the open-sdk for the esp32 besides the old eso-open-sdk fork of Sermus (Sermus/esp-open-sdk)?


Re: Toolchain Setup

PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2020 8:36 am
by st0ff3r
You could consider https://github.com/martin-ger/esp-open-lwip it also have NAPT

The https://github.com/espressif/ESP8266_NONOS_SDK master branch compiles with some minor modifications added here https://github.com/nabovarme/esp-open-sdk

Would be wonderful with an updated toolchain - tried but got stuck on the missing gcc-patch for newer gcc