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By GentlemanEngineer
#65747 I feel rather foolish for not finding a solution myself. However, I am experiencing difficulty with successfully flashing any of the examples from the ESP8266_RTOS_SDK onto a Wemos D1 Mini using esptool.

I have attempted writing the eagle.flash.bin to 0x00000 and the eagle.irom0text.bin to 0x20000 to no avail. I have also attempted writing the latter to 0x40000 (as indicated in the file). Neither has resulted in a functioning program (neither legible debug messages nor visible ESSID).

I have verified the ability to read both the MAC and Chip ID from the Wemos D1 Mini. Thus connectivity appears not to be an issue. However, the question remains as to the correct combination of memory addresses &c. If any could shed light upon this, it would be greatly appreciated.