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By Tihsho
#69796 Hello everyone! I'm new to Arduino's so please bear with me. I'm coming from a Linux world where I can simply communicate with sensors through drivers/libraries and running commands through Python.

Let me first explain my goal here. I'm looking to have multiple ESP8266 development boards communicate environmental parameters (specifically temperature and humidity) to a Raspberry Pi 3 via MQTT. I am to have them communicate via my wireless in order to run some trending of my home so I can optimize my HVAC system and find data about each room. Right now I've got the two halves somewhat setup independently with the RPi 3 running MQTT and the first ESP8266 dev board (a NodeMCU clone) sampling data from a DHT22 and out to a .96" OLED. The part that I'm missing is the setup for the ESP8266 wireless connection and then the transfer of the data to the Pi.

I've been configuring the ESP8266 with Arduino Sketch, but initially was using ATOM with the Project.IO plugin which worked well for the code, but ran into a few snags on uploading to the NodeMCU clone. I've watched copious tutorials on WiFi configuration and am comfortable, usually, with command line, but since my coding is very amateur I was looking to see if there is a way to configure the ESP8266 via a GUI. Is this possible? Does anyone have any clear tutorials that they would recommend as a reference to configuring WiFi to an established configured ESP8266, or will I have to start from scratch and work to implement my current code into the connected device?