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Re: Wemos D1 Mini + Motor Shield?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 3:18 am
by schufti
code is not relevant, schematic of the motor shield would be the only way to tell for sure - but why should we do the googling?

Re: Wemos D1 Mini + Motor Shield?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 7:41 am
by rudy
The motors should be powered from their own power source. (if you planned on using usb for power) And the requirements of the motors (current) needs to be taken into account. You did not provide any information on them.

https://wiki.wemos.cc/_media/products:d ... _motor.pdf

Re: Wemos D1 Mini + Motor Shield?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 11:45 am
by Numian
So I decided to solder all pins and I will use it as a intended - as a shield.

So I know that motors should have their own power, but could I get away with connectin Mini's 3V+GND to shield's VM + GND considering fact that my geared motors are 3V, 3rpm and they won't be moving at the same time? I will be powering it with USB so I would like to avoid additional battery to save space.

Thank you.

Re: Wemos D1 Mini + Motor Shield?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 12:31 pm
by rudy
Without knowing what the startup current for the motor is, it is impossible to tell you if you will have problems or not. The regulator has enough current for supplying peak currents to the ESP8266. There is not a lot of extra capacity.

If you run into problems you could take the 5 volts, pass it through a couple of silicon diodes to drop the voltage, and feed that into the VM input. This might be your preferred method from the start.