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By Spritey
#58764 Hello guys,
I'm new to this forum and Arduino boards so please, be patient to me . : )
Ok, so problem is with connecting to the ESP8266 with the Arduino Uno board. I flashed the ESP module with ai-thinker- firmware using USB-UART/FTDI and after that i tested the communication. There was no problem with it. I could connect to the wifi or set up the server. I even wrote the simple c++ program to send data using my laptop and wifi connection (screen below), everything was fine.
After that i tried the same using arduino. i mean i wanted to communicate and set up the server on esp8266 module using Arduino Uno and SoftwareSerial.h library. I wrote the simple program to test it and it doesn't work. Everything i get is also posted below. During watching the module i see that blue module diode blinks only one time so it seems to me like there does only one line of code and i don't know why. I'm also curious about the response, because the only i get is some "bushes" letters (ss below).

Connections seems fine and it looks like this:

ESP VCC - external source of power (3,3V)
ESP TX -- RX (Arduino pin 2)
ESP RX -- TX (Arduino pin 3)
ESP CH_PD -- 3,3 V
ESP RST -- 3,3 V

I'd appreciate any help from ur side and sorry for my english, it's not my native language.