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By Daveee87
#58885 I'm doing a project and i need to communicate 2 slaves with one master by Wifi.
I readed that it's possible using LUA lenguage and Node firmware, but i don't know how to do it with AT commands.

I've got a ESP8266 v1.4 (white module with only 5 pines) and i'm using Arduino UNO.

i think that what i've to do is follow the next sequence of commands (aprox). Is correct?

AT+CIPMODE=3 (why 3?)
AT+MUX=1 (i don't understant the function of this command)
AT+CIPSERVER=1,80 (one connection?¿, 80 port listening)

and then, if i want to send data from Slave/Client to Master, in order the last one read it from web, i have to follow this commands too:

AT+CIPSTART="TCP","","333" (or UDP?, server ip created, 80 port)
AT+CIPSEND=1,15 (i don't understant that paramether exactly. id?? wich id?).

Finally, when i try to make AT+IPD i can't because i've disconnected my usb from 1st board to 2nd one, in order to configurate it, and the first one doesn't respond through Arduino's Serial Console.

What i've to do?? i'm doing it right?

Thank you so much! And apologize for my poor english level (i'm from spain :D )