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By alaaseoud
#59969 hello!

Im trying to use the esp8266 e12 wifi module with an arduino mega board. I connected pins as follows:

esp GND -> ard GND
esp VCC -> ard 3.3V
esp TX -> ard RX
esp RX -> ard TX
esp GPIO15 -> ard GND

i used the wifi test code from arduino IDE but it I keep getting 'AT+RST module has no response' and the module's light flashes once when the code compiles. how can i fix this?

thank you in advance
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By kaxx1975
#60504 Wow, December 26 and still only 1 reply....I just signed this a dead forum?

I am the farthest thing from an expert on these things having only just received my first one a week ago....But if it were me I would recommend switching the Rx and Tx connections around on the arduino (Rx - Rx, Tx - Tx, instead of the way you have listed. I know it sounds weird but it is the way I have mine wired currently and it works)

I also 100% most definitely recommend the upgrade of the 3.3V power source as has already been suggested. 200mA or more is ideal. Arduino puts out what....30, or maybe 50mA? Think of a large empty swimming pool getting filled with water by means of a small straw.
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By martinayotte
kaxx1975 wrote:Wow, December 26 and still only 1 reply....I just signed this a dead forum?

Not, it is not dead, but many posts from newbies posted between Christmas and yesterday only appeared suddenly yesterday, probably by manual approval from Richard, (I think he took some holiday recently) ...