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By MechScientist
#60024 Hi,

I'm new to the forum and lua, but not new to software development. I'm trying to use an ESP8266-01 in an IOT situation where the ESP is doing communication between a microprocessor and a computer on a wifi network using the http module in nodemcu. The microprocessor communicates with the ESP via UART.

The problem I'm having is that the http module emits errors (like timeouts) that I would rather suppress than having to handle in the microprocessor (because the messages are being sent to the UART). In looking at the http 'c' code, it looks like the errors are emitted through a macro NODE_ERR which looks like it is substituted by a call to print. I'm assuming that somewhere in the 'c' code print gets converted to a call to the UART.

It looks like there is a way to suppress it if I rebuild nodemcu, and redefine the macro, but I was hoping that there is a way that I don't have to learn how to build it -- sort of defeats the usefulness of nodemcu for me.

My question is, is there a way to suppress NODE_ERR emissions without having to rebuild the firmware?

Thanks in advance for your help.
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By MechScientist
#60040 Well, after doing a little digging, it turns out that there is a site that has a build environment on docker at: Unfortunately it ended up being more trouble to try and get docker to work on my computer than it was to figure out how to use the net module.

Bottom line, no need for help anymore, but I'd be glad to share the code in detail if anyone is interested.