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By edwin
#60055 Barnabybear and Rudy both gave very good advice.

If initially your board was constantly rebooting, yes, that points at voltage drops. As running a program doesnot fry your board, it must have been something you did while 'trouble shooting. But point is that initially your board was doing something.
Indeed, maybe something conducting came under it or maybe if you wiggled your USB port, maybe you shortcircuted something so it gave a higher voltage.
checking your USB port as suggested therefore would be a good idea.

As a last advice. If you paid 16 usd for two of those boards then you certainly did not have a good deal. I think they areabout 3.20 a piece at Aliexpress.

Also, dont toss yr fried board. maybe it was only the regulator that fried. Perhaps a visual check can tell you where the dead chip is

Good luck