rickgtx wrote:Connect TX-TX and RX-RX. You are communicating with the STC15F104W not the ESP-01. Make sure you have no ESP-01 installed. pilol34's program loaded, the STC15F104W stop flashing but did not respond to any commands. I soldered connections to the 3 remaining ports and can control 3 additional relays. I modified the c program from https://github.com/libretto/RelayMCU to control the extra ports.
Is it possible to write a program for ESP8266 which contains the code for the processor in the relay module and which can send the code to that processor ?
This would make the burning easier and you could use Apple or Linux.
It would also help, if you have more than one of these modules.
In the mean time, is there a program or script for Linux to make the burning ?
Is the processor OTP or can it be burned many times ?
And Yes, I have three clicking relay modules, who I assume to have blanco processors.
Mistofeles wrote:In the mean time, is there a program or script for Linux to make the burning ?
Is the processor OTP or can it be burned many times ?
Answering to my own questions:
- Yes, there is a program ST processors in Linux environment (not tested yet)
- No, it is not OTP, so you can reprogram it 100.000 times
hkusp wrote:Through brute force and a soldering iron, I got the relay module to work doing this:.
Man, you are a HERO! I've spent a disgraceful amount of time on this £5.80 thing, struggling to get Tasmota firmware on then failing to get anything other than a solid red LED and an occasional blue light on the ESP-1. Was about to crunch both relay and wifi module under my heel in disgust until - after reading at least 50 articles on this - I stumbled onto yours. Surprisingly I had a few 10k resistors lying around and good enough solder skills to attempt the mod so I had a go, although within a few solder joints I was convinced that the board's functioning days were over. Upon completion, I couldn't believe when the relay sparked into life using the Tasmota/Sonoff config window and now I've got the thing wired up and up and running with dyndns!
Thanks so much for this excellent info!