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Re: MicroPython or HTML/CSS/JS?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 11:46 am
by Titan Rain
lol, thanks. Don't be too impressed. What I mean by hodge podge is mostly copy-pasting others code that I find after 15-20 min of searching and trial/error adding lines that I think might work. I'm currently taking a Udemy course on App Dev that I got for $10 during a 'new years resolution' promo they had going on. Hopefully, I can get a more concrete understanding from that :P

You're absolutely right about string substitution C++ vs Python, it's a whole ordeal in C and I take it for granted in Python. I'll update this post periodically, with the things I come up with. Here's what it is so far.


Sorry that it isn't commented out or anything. In a nut shell it's a webserver that hosts HTML, with a CSS button 'animation' when pressed/released. On 'refresh', JS is executed to string substitute some HTML font.

Right now it's setup to connect to my own wifi, is then port forwarded to the outside world but will likely end up just being a local AccessPoint that can be connected to and viewed from an android browser. Ideally, the string substitution would be the results of 'proximity' to another wifi/bluetooth module's signal, that's attached to a set of keys? Will keep ya posted. Thanks.