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By Rocketrob
#63376 Everything was working fine and then all of a sudden it stopped going into bootloader, and seems like it is heating up when I plug in the FTDI. Did I break something? Or can the bootloader be repaired?
When I press the GPIO button it lights up as expected, but then pressing/releasing reset does not set it into bootloader any more.

I'm using a Adafruit HUZZAH ESP8266 Breakout board and connecting to USB with their FTDI Friend board.
I had it mounted on a bread board connected to a DHT11 temp/hum sensor and a voltmeter to read the pin voltage of a separate pin (5) to be used with a PowerSwitch tail. The sensor part of the sketch had been loaded several times and was working fine, connecting with MQTT and everything.
Not sure what could have happened. I came across a post about 'URL Repairing bootloader - for an ATtiney' and thought perhaps that might have something to do with it.
Thanks for any suggestions
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By rudy
#63384 If you are getting unusual heating it typically is a result of a short or other overload current condition. Or it could be that you have voltage applied to the part that is higher than the specified safe values. Then there is the possibility that it could be damaged by a static discharge.

If you had a bootloader issue it would not likely cause any increase in heat. My thought is that you have an irreversibly damaged part.