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By jdavies
#63616 I have a number of ESP-01s in my office. Can't get a single one to work, even though I'm using a SparkFun FTDI adapter board and another board I got from Amazon. Do I need to flash the firmware onto the device before use? I assumed that it came with firmware already flashed on it, but now I'm not so sure.

Does anyone know? Sending AT commands to the board yields no response. Thanks in advance!

- Jeff
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By icons
#63630 hello there,

i am not a pro but here is my 2 cents.

normally esp8266 01 is shipped with at firmware already on them.
make sure you have ch_pd pin connected to power pin on esp8266 and select the baud rate at 9600 or 115200,
depending on the serial monitor you are using you should be able to change that.
also make sure you are choosing the right port for your ftdi on the computer and lastly, remember that esp8266 is 3.3v not 5, not sure if your ftdi adapter has 3.3 because the computer usb is 5v, you can damage the esp8266.

also there is a lot of info on this forum how to troubleshoot issues like yours, so do a search you will find info, this forum has proper info (a lot of other websites are misleading).

dont give up and if you are still hitting bumps dont hesitate to come back here, there are folks ready to help.

good luck.