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By Kunterbunt
rudy wrote:The only good thing you have done is post a picture of what you have done so it doesn't take as log to get you working.

It works! Thank you so much!
The only thing that does not quite work yet is the autoreset.
But first, I want to recap the connections, may it be for myself in the future or some guy with the same lack of electronics knowledge who finds this thread.

ESP VCC - 3.3V
ESP VCC -[10uF Cap]- ESP GND
ESP EN(=CH_PD) -[10k Res]- 3.3V
3.3V -[47k Res]- ESP RST -[0.1uF Cap]- GND
GPIO15 -[10k Res]- GND
3.3V -[10k Res]- GPIO0 - GND
RXD0 -[1k Res]- TXD (CP2104)
TXD0 - RXD (CP2104)
GND (CP2104) - GND

This still needs you to turn on the power of the ESP while the CP2104 is trying to flash (red light is flashing).


Ok, just for me understanding the autoreset: I have two npn transistors and the feather schematics
From DTR/RTS I connect a 10k resistor to the base (pin2, middle) of the transistor and connect DTR/RTS directly to the emitter (pin3, right) of the opposite transistor.
The free collector (pin1, left) gets connected to RST/GPIO0 (RST on RTS-base and GPIO0 on DTR-base).

Compared to Adafruit with no pullups shown trackerj uses pullups. I've tried both, without and with 10k resistors to 3.3v and neither seems to work... Did I miss something here?

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By Kunterbunt
#66708 Just to check back for some other noob who might find this thread:
I got the autoreset working by sticking to the picture below from this github issue.

I think I just envisioned the circuit wrong from reading the feather schematics, the picture is easier to follow.
(Pay attention to the pinout of your npn-transistor, the pins on mine are switched around, so I have to rotate the transistor.)
