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By Zeragonii
#65678 I've bought a total of 7 ESP-01 modules so far. 6 in bulk from China and 1 from Amazon prime. I've got 2 USB to TTL/UART modules, 1 built for the ESP-01 and 1 generic one. So far I've gone through every wiring method under the sun that the internet provides and my ESPs still refuse to communicate via the serial monitor in the Arduino IDE (Yes i have the right boards installed too.) I've attached a picture of my basic connection of just the TX and RX lines and Vcc GND, I don't know if I've done something wrong or if the silicon lottery just really hates me. I've tried multiple OSs and nothing yields any results at all. I've even tested the TX>RX loop on my adapter module to make sure it's working.

I've ran out of ideas so now I'm turning to you guys to help me. Hope this can get fixed some time soon.. thanks in advance.
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By Tonymura
#65704 Hi
I dont know alot about this device and i to am making slow progress with mine but just wanted to ask you have you set up your correct COM port with the baud rate set to 115200?
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By Tonymura
#65720 If your still having issue would you mind sharing your code and the main aim your trying to achieve. eg. Is it a blink light or on-off switch.
I could try your code out and see if it works at my end.