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By Bradolf
#65745 Hello all,
I'm a newbie here so please pardon the lack of knowledge, just trying to start somewhere.

I have a ESP82666 HUZZAH Breakout bought from adafruit as well as a DS18b20 temp sensor. I have found many a tutorials online, however none really describe what I'm looking for.

Basically I'm trying to send the temperature reading from my chicken coop to adafruit io or something as simple as that MQTT Broker.

My assumption is that I can just take the libraries from the examples and 'merge' them to create a working product... for example the onewire : DS18x20_temperature example and the mix it into the adafruit MQTT Library : MQTT_ESP8266 to receive the desired outcome.

Is this possible, or how I would go about doing it?

I appreciate the help :)