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By TinkerJ
#66901 Hi! I'm pretty new to this. But what I understand you need to reset or startup the module with the GPIO0 grounded. Then the module will be in flash mode. Don't forget to unground it when the flashing is done.
But be aware!
When I programmed mine from Arduino IDE the AT commands stopped working. And I got "csum err" on startup having the module stuck at 74880 baud.
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By alex_g
#66913 Hi vivekvs97, have you managed to sort your problem out yet?

You should not be having so much difficulty, I did not even have ANY experience of Arduino at all, yet I found the system very easy to set up and operate. I am using the Arduino IDE on Linux. There are numerous good tutorials available. I was running my first "blinking light" sketch in minutes.

I am also a bit confused about some of the advice you have received here. My Arduino IDE flashes everything necessary together with the sketch each time you upload, you do not have to do any two-stage process of flashing the firmware first, then programming in a separate step. There might be some system that does that (for instance when I program in Lua/NodeMCU I flash the firmware first, then the program, incrementally) but that's definitely NOT what we're talking about here.

Can you please give some information of
1) What software system you are using to program, (IDE and flasher s/w, if separate)
2) How do you connect your computer to your ESP board, and
3) Which ESP8266 board you are using
(some systems allow for automatic flashing, you don't have to do anything to the hardware, others you have to set the pin levels yourself)

Without this info I don't think anyone can give you much help.
By the way don't worry about flashing the chip, you can reinstate any firmware fairly easily using the available flashing software. I have found it quite remarkable how versatile and hardy these chips are.