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Esp-01 model connection/code uploading problems

PostPosted: Fri Jun 02, 2017 10:51 pm
by vivekvs97
I am completely new to esp8266 and I have no idea about the coding or the electroncis bit of the module. So I have next to no idea what "flashing the firmware" means. However, I am somewhat familiar with the Arduino, and I want to use the esp8266 in conjunction with an aduino to toggle a couple of leds from a webpage like so:

http://allaboutee.com/2015/01/02/esp826 ... m-webpage/

But my codes do not seem to get uploaded into the module; it keeps displaying various error messages.

What is "firmware flashing"? Am I supposed to do it the very first time I connect my esp8266 to the arduino?

I tried to upload a few bits of code into the esp8266 after connecting the arduino with it according to these schematics:

https://create.arduino.cc/projecthub/lu ... one-8a59f3

(I am aware that some kind of protection for the esp8266 is required, but I figured it would hold up for just one sketch.)

However, I am stumped regarding the connections for esp8266 and Arduino. Different Sources recommend different connections, and there seems to be no definitive guide regarding the ESP-01 at all. The Arduino official website also gives me nothing.

Also, how am I to upload any code into this module? Some sources say that I must leave GPIO1 unconnected, others say I must do something with the RST pin, others say that I must connect a Level Shifter/Voltage Divider, and so on.

I tried to connect the Arduino and ESP-01 board with a Voltage Divider configuration because it seemed to be the only mode of connection that I seemed to understand. However, there are many errors while uploading.

Even a simple blink sketch does not upload into the board.

I have downloaded the json library, and tried setting the board as "Generic WiFi board" and "Arduino/Genuino Uno" in turns, but to no avail.

Each time I try to upload any code, the red led in the esp8266 board remains stubbornly lit, while the blue led does not flicker at all.

Sorry if this post seems very long, but I have tried almost everything for hours together and nothing seems to work; it's incredibly vexing.

Is there any source that can take me through a step-by-step guide on what I must do after buying a new esp8266 board to controlling an led with it?

These are the different codes I tried uploading after installing the respective libraries:

http://allaboutee.com/2015/01/02/esp826 ... m-webpage/

https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RuiSa ... no_IDE.ino

I tried looking into Kevin Darrah's tutorials on this subject, but I couldn't understand his explanation at all; I feel incredibly stupid.

I have tried almost everything by nicking bits of information from different sources, and that method doesn't seem to work at all. If anyone could just guide me through a step-by-step tutorial of this, I would be really grateful.


Re: Esp-01 model connection/code uploading problems

PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 6:57 am
by atexit8
When you receive a ESP-01 module from China, you have a few choices:
1. Leave the default AT firmware alone and communicate with the module using AT commands
2. Flash the ESP-01 with ESP8266 Core for Arduino (https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino). When you do this the default AT firmware is gone. After flashing with the new firmware, you can program the ESP8266 just like an Arduino.
3. Flash the ESP-01 with other firmware --- NodeMCU or ESP8266 BASIC.

Those are the major choices.

You have decide which one works best for you.

Re: Esp-01 model connection/code uploading problems

PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 1:42 pm
by vivekvs97
I just tried uploading an Arduino IDE Code into it. Would that mess anything up?

Re: Esp-01 model connection/code uploading problems

PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 6:33 pm
by Tonymura
Dont feel that your alone hereon this subject and that your the only one that is having issues.
With me i had and still do have the same issue as you.

I just put my project aside for now as i flashed my module out and should have left it as is with the pre loaded AT commands.

Never mind i still managed to load the Arduino IDE program and got a little bit of success with communication but dont be so concerned because the community forum in the Ardunino forum wasn't much help to me wither when i tried to load a simple program while asking for help with my code
it seems that even such a simple program i wasn't making much progress or that no one could understand what i wanted to achieve.

I feel for you and understand your situation but the above answer here was correct i should have left the AT command as is preloaded from china.
undermined, i'll suck it up for now.

Please also keep in mind if you are still getting absolutely no flashing on the module and nothing is working for you, please consider that you just might have a faulty ESP module of you could have blow it up and not knowing this all along.

Sorry i cant help you or shed any further light towards your situation.
