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By Blargmode
#66978 Hi, I'm trying to program my ESP-01. I followed this tutorial:
The image on how to connect things is really bad:
However it looks like they have connected the CTS pin on the programmer to RST on the ESP, but in the text it says RTS -> RST. So I did what it said in the text.

Now, this worked perfectly the first time, the code uploaded and I can control it via the browser. Problem is that I can't connect it via USB to program it again. It's just constantly connecting and disconnecting from USB.

How do I get out of this disconnect loop so that I can program it again?
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By QuickFix
#67076 According to the application notes of the ESP, you should tie 10k pull-up resistors to GPIO0, RST and CH_PD.
Do not connect RST (reset) to RTS (Ready To Send). :idea:

To reset connect RST to ground, to program connect GPIO0 to ground: since both RST as GPIO0 have pull-up resistors, you don't have to make changes in the connections, just tie to ground as needed.

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