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By Mims
#68577 Hi,

I have a ESP8266 ( ... UTF8&psc=1) on which I want to connect a motion sensor and develop with LUA. But for now, it seems I'm far to achieve this...

I have flashed the firmeware with the latest nodeMCU flasher (tried with several Baudrate). Everything is fine :mrgreen:

Then I tried a simple Serial.print('hello') with the Arduino IDE. On the Serial Console, I tried several baudrate and I ended up with 74880 to have a decent display (not just random characters). Here is what it says:

load 0x4010f000, len 1384, room 16
tail 8
chksum 0x2d
csum 0x2d
⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮ <---------- I guess it's the hello world

It seems that I have an issue... The second number of the boot mode sometimes changes between 6 and when I press the reset button.

After that, I tried several LUA editor but none of them could display anything.

Is the installed firmeware for C or LUA and how can I make LUA program?

Thank you
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By Mims
#68636 I finally made to work.

1. Flash NodeMCU to the esp ([url][[/url])
2. With ESPlorer (LuaLoader doesn't seem to work), connect to your esp
3. If you have timeout, press the RTS button until it displays the firmeware info

That's it.