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Rasberry pi with esp8266

PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2017 8:37 am
by Alper Em
Hi guys i want to control my esp8266 over internet but i dont want to write the port number every or do something like that so i want to use my rasberry pi as a hub server and control my esp8266s with it.

For example i have a mobile app which is connected to rassbery pi and from that connection i want to be able to control my esp8266s also i want to rewiev incoming sensors date from this app which is connected to rasberry pi. Is that possible. How can i do that?

Re: Rasberry pi with esp8266

PostPosted: Sat Sep 09, 2017 4:33 pm
by gdsports
One possible solution is to run MQTT on raspberry pi and esp8266. MQTT is a light weight messaging protocol. A popular implementation for Linux systems is mosquitto. For the ESP8266 Arduino, pubsubclient is a good client.

For a web framework server running on the Pi, there are lots of alternatives to choose from. Perl, python, PHP, nodejs, ruby, etc.