So you're a Noob? Post your questions here until you graduate! Don't be shy.

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By QuickFix
#71662 To start off: don't begin with an ESP-01; get yourself a proper development board (they're cheaper than $5 / €5) and "Work your way up". :idea:

See my signature for some cheap suppliers.
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By pablok
#71682 @QuickFix What makes a development board easier to work my way up. If I use your signature and look for development boards I see images with a lot more pins to hassle with.
I ordered myself a "simple" esp8266 and try working my way up. :(
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By Jsard
#71692 @Quickfix - Thank you for the comments and links to other boards. I will research them a bit. Ultimately, I need to connect the ESP8266 to a Ard Pro Mini.

As an update: The device is properly working with AT commands. There was 2 major problems.

1. The red LED does not work on either of my ESP8266s. So this made it difficult to troubleshoot.

2. There did not seem to be any firmware there. I could not get any AT commands to run until I updated the firmware to NodeMCU V2.0